All you need to know about Education Loan Transfer in India

At the time of availing a loan for higher education abroad , it is of utmost importance to do a thorough research about the various terms and conditions of the financial institution. Otherwise, a lot of times students have to opt for education loan transfer if they are not satisfied with their existing financial lender. What is an Education Loan Transfer? An education loan transfer is the process of transferring the education loan application to another bank. For an instance, let us consider that you have availed an overseas education loan from a Non-Banking Financial Corporation due to their shorter processing time but after a time span of one or two years, you are not satisfied with the education loan repayment policy of the NBFC and hence wish to go for a student education loan refinance from a public bank. In such case, you can apply for an overseas education loan transfer from the NBFC to a nationalized. Follow the steps below for an education loan transfer: 4-ste...