Education Loan Transfer: Guidelines

Studying abroad is a lifetime goal for many of you. Having said that you will not leave any stone unturned to make your dream come true. For many international students, the higher education cost is a big concern. How to pay for those big one-off expenses such as tuition fees, airfares and insurance? Well a very easy solution to this is taking an Education Loan for Abroad Studies. Well the job is not done yet! The real deal begins once the loan gets disbursed and the clock starts ticking during the repayment tenure. While deciding on a loan provider, it is very important that you conduct thorough research of their terms and conditions regarding abroad education loans. But what if you end up borrowing education loan from a lender whose interest rates are very high or if their loan repayment policies are not convenient for you? You tend to fall into the catch 22 situation. If you are stuck in such a situation, there is always a way out- Education Loan Tr...