Improving Your Credit Score to Help You Get an Overseas Education Loan

Getting an education loan for overseas study is an important decision. Based on the country of study, the course, course duration, University/ institution and the location, the loan amount may vary from around 20 Lakhs to more than 1 Cr. In such cases, the right education loan becomes the most important factor in the education process. The financial institution granting Student Loans for Studying Abroad not only check the academic score, reputation of the applied institution, and the co-borrower’s salary, but also take another factor into account- The Credit Score. This article talks about the credit score and provides the different ways in which your credit score may be improved. What is a Credit Score? A person’s entire borrowing history, from credit card bill repayments, various kinds of loan repayments, and even such things as payment of rent comprises his/ her credit history. This credit history is compiled into what is known as, the cr...