All About Financial Institutions Granting Overseas Education Loans

Getting an Overseas Education Loan to finance higher studies is no trivial matter. There’s a huge amount of money involved, covering education fee and cost of living at the destination country which needs to be considered. This money needs to be sanctioned from the financial institution first and later repaid with interest. Hence, a lot of factors need to be considered so as to ensure that the entire process is conducted smoothly. The financial agencies granting Education Loan for Abroad Studies are : Nationalized Banks Private Banks Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) Here are some examples of each type; Nationalized banks: State Bank of India, Bank of Baroda Private Banks: Axis Bank, ICICI Bank NBFCs: Auxilo, HDFC Credila, InCred Each institution follows a distinct process to evaluate the borrower’s profile and assess the amount to be disbursed on a case-to-case basis. The student is advised to have detailed knowledge about the criteria that the lending...